These Cool Architectural Designs Were Inspired by Everyday Objects

Cool architectural designs

Sometimes we all get inspires by the things around us in our day-to-day life. Sometimes these inspirations can lead to creating something truly amazing that has never been seen by the world before. Felip De Castro is a creative architect. This is a collection of works by him that are inspired by everyday objects.

This amazing architect was inspired by the most common objects starting from his childhood. And he is a gifted person with boosting creativity for his work.

Felip designs constructions, cool architectural designs whenever he gets an idea from an everyday object. Nothing holding him back. It can be simple as a Pencil holder or even a Chocolate! You can see his talents from the collection below.

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#1 Construction inspired from a Harmonica

#2 Cool architectural design inspired by a wrist watch

#3 Construction inspired by a matchbox

#4 Cool architectural design inspired from a steplar

#5 This design is from a sandwich. How cool is that!

#6 This was from two roadside dustbins

#7 Cool iron inspired architectural design

#8 This was from a pile of plates

#9 This design was from a printer

#10 This construction looks like a pencil holder

#11 Design got from a pile of chocolates

#12 This design is from a mask

#13 Airport design from a retractable knife

#14 A building looks like a Camera

#15 From a Caramal chocalate bar to a cool building design

#16 Design inspiration from a mic

#17 Rubic’s cube inspired building

#18 Pile of file covers to a cool building

#19 bridge design from a harp

#20 House design from a pen drive.

All these cool architectural designs are truly amazing and they are all inspired by simple day-to-day objects!

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